I was bored. NOBODY was free to eat free beef sandwiches with martinis at Mortons with me!!!! SO I went shopping. Oh our beautiful consuumeristic society. For a while after I returned, I actually intentionally avoided shopping centres. Crowded, pesky shoppers. Who says consumer goods industry are facing challenges with slowing sales in traditional mass markets, rising cost and waning pricing power.

and I din even know that my apple card gives me a 10% off. glorious.

Anyway I bought the FM transmitter so that I can listen to my ipod in my car. It works so beautifully. and easily. just tune to a station with white noise and use that freq as the transmitting station. how cool is that. and I am listening to smoke over water from my radio…..

and I was just thinking that if I got the apple phone, then I dont even need to bring an ipod ard cos my phone will be my ipod. majorly cool!!!!

And i got new birkies……about time since my old one is falling apart and some other brand shamelessly copied the design.

now I am doubly broke. Luckily its payday soon.