I am feeling high. 2007 has been a great year for me. I summitted Cho Oyu, the world’s 6th highest mountain, ran the Great Eastern Women 10k Run (clock my personal best), completed the Singapore Marathon, and finished an Ultra Marathon yesterday!
Never in my dreams that I will ever run two marathons within a month. This is really amazing for me, for I am not exactly incline to running.
With an SMS invitation to join the Ultra run by my dear friend Ivy, just a few days before Christmas, I said “YES” to her without much hesitation, er…without knowing what I was getting myself into actually.
To prepare for the Ultra run, Ivy, Serene and myself, we ran a 21km MacRitchie-Bukit Timah-MacRitchie on Christmas day. To be more exact, Serene joined us for the 21km run just so that she don’t feel idling at home, and only decided to run the Ultra 2 days before. Super girl.
The Ultra Marathon is organised by MR25. One need to run a minimum of 5 rounds to qualify for a certificate and a finisher T. We have proven that when you are determine to do something, you will make it! We did it! We ran 5 rounds at MacRitchie trail, other ultra runners did 6 rounds, some even clock up to 9 rounds. Kudos to all Ultra runners.
Our number tags.
Ivy and me, taking a break after 21km (2 rounds)
Our best supporting crew! June and Karen. They brought us power drinks & food like Redbull, Milo, Pocari Sweat, GU gels and Power Gels, raisins, buns …
Still looking good after the 4th round (42km)
Serene’s the other half, Larry, he accompanied us for the last 2.5km. Yah, ONLY 2.5km! ^0^ Still, the last stretch was less mundane with him around. Thanks Larry!
FINALLY, we completed the 5 rounds, strongly, covering a total distance of 52.5km. Clap, clap, clap!
June is trying to keep a distance from us, she said we stink! **bish**
I am happy that I ended this year with an ultra run. As we usher in 2008, may happiness brighten your days, success and good health be with you in everything you do.
I look forward to year 2008.
![Joanna Soo](https://www.womenoneverest.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/joanne-portrait.jpg)
Honored as one of the Great Women of Our Time by Women’s Weekly, Joanne Soo is the owner of Ace Adventure, a company that conceptualises and organisesadventure sports events. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer with Ngee Ann Polytechnic and a Trainer with Republic Polytechnic.